Friday March 4th marked the final day of Winter Boot Camp. The final day of eight weeks of struggle and triumph, sweat, laughter, joy, and frustration. As I ran (well, ran/walked) my mile on the treadmill, my thoughts drifted back that first day. It was so hard to even walk into the Sports Compex. Heavier than I’d been in years, I felt awkward and out of place. What was I doing in a class called “Boot Camp??” I could barely survive basic aerobics. But something spurred me on. Desperation maybe. For two years, I’d tried time and time again to get myself back on track. I’d lose two pounds and then gain three. But as hard as it was, I got myself to the class. What a smart decision!!
The Boot Camp classes were challenging and fun. Each workout was different, so I never got bored. And the group support for getting fit and losing weight was terrific. It was obvious early on that the other group members were “ordinary” people like me. These were all folks that valued fitness and health, but weren’t beyond enjoying a piece of carrot cake or a cold beer. Being in class with superhuman beings who subsist on carrots and water never has been particularly motivating for me. I just end up feeling like a loser and dropping out. But this Boot Camp was composed of real people, striving for the same goals as me – getting fit and losing weight. Some students just had a few pounds to lose, others (including me) a lot more than a few. But we were all in it together.
Fast forward 8 weeks. The day before our final weigh in and measurements was a family member’s birthday. I knew I had achieved my personal goals for the class when I was able to make a birthday cake and not dive headfirst into the mixing bowl. It didn’t matter if the scale showed a loss of 3 pounds or 8 the next day. I knew I was “on track.” Something had changed inside, and it felt great. I’ve never baked a cake in my entire life when I didn’t consume the equivalent of a slice or two just in the cleaning up process. I did allow myself to enjoy a small slice at the celebration, however. It was plenty, and I was satisfied. And check out the results the next day:
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